HDX Steelhead Floats

HDX Steelhead Floats

Check out cool video that will help you take your fishing to the next level.

Product Spotlight

HDX Steelhead Floats

HDX Steelhead Floats

In this video we take a look at our new HDX hybrid bobber doggin floats. We set out to design and produce the most advanced steelhead bobber doggin floats on the market. After two years of design and development we are proud introduce our Stealth HDX Floats. Made of high density EVA foam these floats are tough as nails and have bright fluorescent tops. They are designed to fish a variety of weights and drag your beads through shallow and deep runs. The hybrid teardrop shape, smooth tapers and flat bottom lead to a float that is perfect for bobber doggin but also excels in regular float fishing scenarios. Get ready to experience the best bobber doggin steelhead float you have ever fished. Take your float fishing to the next level!


You can check out these new HDX Steelhead floats as well tons of great steelhead tackle below. šŸ‘‡

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